Outburst’s data infrastructure, intelligence, activation, & AI will supercharge your brand’s growth.

data infrastructure un-fractured

Database management is hard and gets harder at scale

Managing your organization’s data can be daunting. With disparate and growing data pools, you’re constantly juggling data sets from various sources, tracking marketing journeys and ROI across multiple platforms, and reporting KPIs for different stakeholders. This process is becoming increasingly cumbersome as your business scales, often requiring additional man-hours from resources not originally hired for this purpose. Outburst does all of this heavy lifting so that you can simply gain insight from your data, not wrestle your data.

collection & cleaning + analysis & Activation

Dashboards, connectors, and analytics at your fingertips

Outburst’s solution is not just a data warehouse but a powerful tool that can revolutionize your business. With a flexible and scalable architecture, it offers a business intelligence dashboard and querying tool, empowering you to make data-driven decisions. Outburst can handle large volumes of data, process and transform it in real-time, and provide actionable insights. It acts as your organization’s core source of truth, ensuring data quality and accuracy with automated checks.


+ dozens more

